Until our new facility is ready, we look forward to seeing you in communities throughout Nikaia, where we organize events for kids and adolescents. Our events began in the schools of the area, with innovative programs that combine activities with fun and are based on three pillars: Education, Sports and Culture. Our goal is to help the kids to discover their talents and shape their character.

Useful information

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The events we are organizing are daily, independent programs, that are designed in order to provide kids the tools to explore new horizons through creative programs. The programs are based on our three pillars (Sports, Education, Culture) and they help the kids to discover the best version of themselves and shape their characters.

Our events are separated in 4 different age groups, with programs that are adapted to the needs of each one:

  • Explorers: 6-8 years old
  • Juniors: 9-11 years old
  • Young teens: 12-14 years old
  • Teens: 15-18 years old

Every event is exclusively designed for each age group, with age-appropriate programs.

Every kid that is interested in joining our programs, can sign up on designated link. Every kid is eligible to sign up for three programs per day, one from each respective pillar (Sports, Education, Culture). Due to the Covid-19 protocols there are limited slots.

Our programs are compiled from three 45 minute sections for each pillar (Sports, Education, Culture).

No! We provide to every kid a lunch box that includes a healthy snack and water during the break

No, all our events are free for the kids!