Privacy Policy

Policy Protection of Personal Data

1. Introduction

With the present update would like to you inform about with the conditions of collection and processing of personal data that is performed by the FIELD OF LIFE , to which the web portal belongs and in which it operates as a responsible precessor of personal data that is collected through the above web site (provided hereinafter " FIELD OF LIFE ').

2. What personal data do we collect?

In order to browse the web site not require the entry of personal data.

However if you wish to subscribe to web site , during the registration you will be requested to provide certain personal information, such as: Name, Last Name, Country, State, City, Address electronic mail (email), etc

Also, in the event that contact with the FIELD OF LIFE through the above web site (for example by means of sending comments or expressions of interest), the FIELD OF LIFE may collect your personal data, including mainly the name and the electronic and mail address, as and the content of your message.

Besides the above, we collect personal data of general public, such as name, surname, address electronic mail (email) and property especially in the event that someone wants to subscribe to various events of FIELD OF LIFE.

Finally, we may collect to process data image, which is recorded by closed circuit television , which are located in facilities or in the course of various events we implement.

The present policy is completed as a single set with as many individual policies FIELD OF LIFE applies and adapts as part of our contractual relationship.

3. For what purpose we collect the personally your data?

We tend to and collect only the absolutely necessary personal data which are suitable and clear for the purpose which they are intended, and not subjected to any further processing in a way incompatible with the purpose for the which they were collected.

In general, we collect and process the personal your data for the following purposes:

  1. for the sending of informative material and to the general realization updates on with new activities, initiatives and events of FIELD OF LIFE,
  2. in order to respond or communicate with you individually to then question / comment you shared to the FIELD OF LIFE,
  3. for your participation in various events of FIELD OF LIFE,
  4. for the consideration of a possible cooperation with you and
  5. for the execution of a contract to which you are a contracting party.

4. For how long will we keep the personal your data

We ensure that the personal data that we collect, subject to editing for length of time no greater than that which is required for the fulfillment of the respective purpose processing. The main criteria that we take into account for the determination of the time that we keep your personal data is a time limitation of claims to be determined by the law and the time limits within in which one public authority may be require from us to the grant information to keep in our files.

5. What is the legal basis of the processing of personal data you to the FIELD OF LIFE ?

  • The execution of the contract (for example when you participate in one event)
  • The consent you, where required, for one or more purposes (for example, for the mission to you informative material of FIELD OF LIFE
  • Our compliance with the obligations laid down by law (for example, when we share elements of the associates us to tax authorities) and
  • The overriding legitimate interests of FIELD OF LIFE (for example when you record the image you via closed- circuit television for the assurance of safety of building our facilities and the staff us).

6. With whom do we share the personal your data?

The data that that is collected by us are normally not disclosed to third parties and in no way are they made public or constitute itself in any way subject to exploitation. By way of exception, the personal data of users may be communicated to third party providers of services of FIELD OF LIFE , by which process your personal data is shared exclusively and only for the fulfillment of obligations of which stem from the contractual relationship of FIELD OF LIFE with them and under the capacity as persons performing the processing (such as eg. third providers of services, etc.)

Also, FIELD OF LIFE may disclose your personal data you in the following cases:

  • Where FIELD OF LIFE has the express consent of the persons for the disclosure of personal data in any way.
  • If the disclosure is made for the exercise and defense of the rights of the FIELD OF LIFE , or
  • If required by the law or decision of the court or requested by any other government or regulatory authority.

In the event that the FIELD OF LIFE transmit personal data you to recipients outside of the European Union or the European Economic Area will apply appropriate safeguards in order to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal your data.

7. How do we ensure that the persons performing the processing respecting the data you?

The persons performing the processing on behalf of FIELD OF LIFE have agreed and are committed contractually with us, among other things:

  • To maintain confidentiality,
  • Not to send to third parties your personal data without the permission of FIELD OF LIFE and to avoid the use of own their benefit,
  • To take appropriate measures of security,
  • To comply with the legal framework for the protection of personal data and in particular the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter GDPR)

8. What are your rights?

You have a right of access to personal your data.


This means that you have the right to be informed by us if we process your personal data . If we process your personal data you can ask to be informed about the purpose of processing, the type of personal data you which we hold to what the give, how much time they will be stored for, but also the other rights you like rectification, erasure data limitation the processing and submission of a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority.

You have the right to correct inaccurate personal data.

If you find that there is a mistake in the personal data you can submit an application to be corrected (eg correct name or information changing address).

You have the right to deletion / right to oblivion.

You may request us to delete the data you if you apply one of the reasons laid down by applicable law.

You have the right to portability of your personal data.

If the processing is based on your consent or if it is necessary for the execution of a contract with us and the processing carried out by automated means, you may request to get a readable form of the personal data that you provide or you may request to convey these data to another processing officer. You have the right to limit processing.

You may request to limit the processing of your personal data when one of the conditions laid down by the applicable legislation is in force
You have the right to object and revoke consent to processing of your data

In some cases, you can oppose the processing of your personal data and we will stop the processing of your personal data, if there are no other compelling and legitimate reasons that prevail over the right of yours. If you have personal data, you can revoke the consent you at any time with future effect:

  • By choosing not to receive the newsletter of the FIELD OF LIF
  • You can choose not to receive the newsletter by changing the relevant settings recording by pressing the link «delete» or by following the instructions that are included in each e- mail message that you send.
  • Alternatively, you can contact us using the data communication form that is given below.

In case you wish to exercise the rights you are, please send relevant email to the email address

Finally, in case you think that we violate the current law on the protection of personal your data, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Authority Protection Data Personal Character, the which is based in Av. Kifissias 1-3 TK 11523, Athens.

9. Links (Links) to other site

The web site contains links ( "links") to other web sites (sites), that are not controlled by the FIELD OF LIFE , but by other physical or legal enitites, to which the above websites belong . In any case FIELD OF LIFE is not liable for any damage suffered by the user of the visit of to other web sites, including any unlawful processing of personal of data due to visit of the above web sites.

10. Use of Cookies

The cookies are small files of text that contain information of which is sent from the website and stored in the computer or the mobile device of each user-visitor. The figures are likely to include the type of program browser (web browser) that uses the each user-visitor, the type of computer, the operating of the system, the providers of Internet services, as well and other technical information.

The cookies do not cause damage to the computer or the mobile your device, or to files that are stored in it and does not take cognizance of any document or file from the computer of the visitor of the site . With the cookies not can be revealed the identity you, but may be used for the identification of the computer you.

The site utilizes the cookies for the following reasons:

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Conducting surveys for statistical purposes and / or for the improvement of the content and the services of and / or to be assessed the effectiveness of

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You can refer to the website , which contains instructions on how to manage cookies, using different types of browsing software (web browser).