Terms of Use

The use of electronic pages of www.gipedozois.org by the visitor / user, hereinafter referred to as "user" implies the unconditional agreement of the following terms of use, which apply to the whole of the content of the pages, the graphics, the images, the pictures and the files that are included on our website . Therefore, the user has to read carefully the terms of these prior to the use and if he/she does not agree, he/she must not make use of the website’s content. The user is required to check the content of the specific pages for possible changes. The sequel the use of www gipedozois.org even after any changes it still means the unconditional on the part of the visitor / user acceptance of the terms thereof.

Copyright Permissions

The total of content that the web site, including (without limitation and not limited to) text, graphics, photographs, drawings, images, video, an object of intellectual property of the FIELD OF LIFE AMKE (hereafter FIELD OF LIFE ) and governed by the national and international provisions on Intellectual Property.

Logos, brand names, trademarks and features that are included on the website belonging to the LIFE BALL and / or the persons who mentioned as principal of the relevant rights in the Web site, and protected in accordance with the existing legislation for the industrial and intellectual property.

Works of intellectual property of third parties that are included in the www.gipedozois.org website have been included in good faith and for purposes of information. It is understood that they will be removed if requested by the beneficiaries.

Authorization of Use

FIELD OF LIFE , encourages the private use of the content of the website for personal information, as well as the use for educational or research purposes. Private use is not justified by use in the context of a business or a service or an organization. For educational or research purposes only is the reproduction or the storage of individual pages or data allowed, with essential requirement the indication of origin them from the web site and the report of the names of the authors (if they appear on the web site) and under the condition that no relevant industrial or intellectual property rights are affected in any way.

However, the users will need to be aware that some files or data likely to constitute intellectual property of third parties (partner institutions, organizations, companies , etc.) and can not be used without the permission of those of third parties (which may be listed in the relevant indicator of the website ).

Storage, reproduction, the republication, transmission or the distribution of any part of the contents of the web site for commercial purposes or for any other use that is not covered in the above paragraph is strictly probhibited.

Storage, reproduction, republication, transmission or distribution of trademarks and registered logos as well and signals of cooperating entities that appear in the web site are strictly prohibited.

Statements Disclaimer and Limitations of Liability Internet

FIELD OF LIFE through the web site, www.gipedozois.org , making every possible effort so that the whole of the content and the information that appear in it, is characterized by precision, clarity, accuracy, conclusiveness, timeliness and availability.

Under no circumstances does FIELD OF LIFE guarantee and in consequence is not liable (nor even by negligence) for any loss of any cause incurred by the user, by the use of the web site. Also FIELD OF LIFE will not bear any responsibility for restoration of any possible damage (positive or consequential, that may not be limited to loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction etc.) from users of the web site or third parties, caused by the operation or not, the use of the web site, any failure to provide information that is available from the website or from any non- permitted interventions of third parties to information that is available through the website. Every possible effort for the good operation of the network is made, in no case however is the FIELD OF LIFE warrant that the functions of the web site or the servers (servers) will be uninterrupted or without any kind of error, free from viruses and similar elements, whether it on the web site of FIELD OF LIFE , or for any other web site or server (server) through which is content may be transmitted

Block Prompt - Advice

No part of the supplied to the users content of the web site does not constitute and can not be considered in any case, directly or indirectly, encouragement, instruction, advice or encouragement for any act or omission. On the contrary it is the sole discretion of the user on a personal evaluation to act based on its own will, excluding any liability of FIELD OF LIFE.

Links to web sites (links)

FIELD OF LIFE does not control the availability, the content, the policy of protection of personal data, the quality and completeness of services of other web sites and pages to which any reference by "links" (hyperlinks) (hereinafter referred to as for reasons of brevity as "links" ). The links are placed solely for the convenience of users of the web site, and the web sites to which they refer are subject to their respective, conditions of use. The placement of links is not an indication of approval or acceptance of the content of the respective web sites while the FIELD OF LIFE bears no responsibility for the contents of and any damage occurs by the use of them, as the user has access to them to own the responsibility

Content that is submitted by the users

FIELD OF LIFE through the web site www.gipedozois.org gives the users the option to publish own their content either in the form of submission of applications, either by communications of any kind. However FIELD OF LIFE reserves the right to check the content of this and to prevent the publication of material illegal, threatening, defamatory, offensive, obscene, scandalous, threatening, or anything else it could be considered outside the law, to raise legal liability or in another way violates the law. In the event that content like the above come to the perception of managers of the site of FIELD OF LIFE , then the latter is entitled to the removed / can not to publish without notice or any other formality.

The people from the side to recognize the right of FIELD OF LIFE to check and to approve the material you submit before the publication of the web site. The FIELD OF LIFE has the right (but not the obligation) to review, approve, reject or delete content you submit to the users in the Web site and the decisions are in no process retest subject.

Also FIELD OF LIFE , reserves the right to delete or to refuse to publish content that violates rights of use, trade marks, commercial contracts or any other intellectual right (natural or legal) persons as well and material that violates personal data of persons.

Every user who publishes content states and unreservedly accepts that:

    Has the right to submit and to publish content to the web site, which does not contain or does not infringe registered trade marks, logos or material protected by intellectual property rights of any natural or legal person.

    Exempts the web site and the organization of by any cost right exploitation fee and any other debt to any natural or legal person as a result of the publication in the web site of content that is submitted.

    Every person who "photographed" the content has consented to the depiction of.

    It has all the necessary licenses for the use of each right that is included in the content you submit.

The users are solely responsible for the content they submit or distribute via the web site itself in any way. In any case the www.gipedozois.org or the representatives of it can not be considered responsible for damages or losses of any kind (eg direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, civil or criminal) that arise from actions of users of the web site. If a user wishes to remove content that has been published, he/she has to inform the FIELD OF LIFE using the email address that exists in the web site. The content will be withdrawn within 1-2 working days.

Rights of Use of Conten

The content users submit and publish is still owned by the users, giving the website the right of unlimited, no fee license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly display and exploitation of content anytime and in any way electronic or printed, that does not violate the moral the right.

Transitional Provisions

The FIELD OF LIFE reserves the right to modify the content or the services of the web site, as well as and the conditions of use, whenever deemed necessary and without prior notice, with the simple communication of via the web site.